Martial Arts for Fiction Writers with Jason Zencka

Wednesdays, September 11-October 2

Time: 7-9pm ET

Class Type: Craft Course

Price: $375

Patron Price: $325

Registration Closed

In life, our arguments write themselves, but creating compelling conflict on paper can be harder. When should your characters be breaking the china and when should they be muttering passive-aggressively under their breath? Who is right and why? Does anybody ever win?

This course, designed primarily for fiction writers, will break down the elements of craft that go into writing a great argument between characters—dialogue, subtext, characterization—as well as ask how a verbal “fight scene” can add or detract from the power of a story. Students will be asked to read a combination of short and longer fiction—and a bit of drama and poetry—from a wide range of authors, including Jhumpa Lahiri, Jamel Brinkley, Mariana Enríquez, and Lydia Davis. This course will also reference Eleanor Catton’s 2023 novel Birnam Wood, so students might want to become familiar with that text as the class begins.

Course Expectations and Schedule

This is a craft course. Our craft courses analyze fiction from a craft perspective and include generative writing exercises. Class will meet once a week for a live Zoom lecture based on the assigned reading. There will also be writing prompts and discussion prompts.

Instructor Feedback

The instructor will provide feedback on discussion prompts posed throughout the week. They will also provide brief written feedback on student responses to the final writing prompt.


All sessions will take place on Zoom. Recordings will be available to students who can’t attend live.

Wednesday, September 11, 7-9pm ET

Wednesday, September 18, 7-9pm ET

Wednesday, September 25, 7-9pm ET

Wednesday, October 2, 7-9pm ET

About Jason Zencka:

Jason Zencka writes and teaches in Syracuse, NY. His short fiction and essays have appeared in One Story, EPOCH, StoryQuarterlyFive Points, and other publications. He has been a scholar at the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference and the Sewanee Writers’ Conference, and his short fiction has been awarded a Pushcart Prize.


When can I register for this class?

Registration will open soon and will close on Tuesday, September 10, or when the class reaches its cap.

How does the class work?

This class meets weekly for live Zoom discussions for the duration of the course. Reading and writing assignments will be distributed in Thinkific, our online learning platform. That is also where students will share responses to the assignments for feedback from their fellow students and the instructor.

Is there homework?

The class will include reading assignments, writing exercises, and discussion questions. The instructor will be providing light feedback on one submission per student.

How much time will the class take?

Live lessons run for two hours. Plan to spend about 2 hours a week on reading and writing assignments, plus however long you decide to spend on the discussion boards.

How many students are in the class?

This class is capped at 25 students.

Can I take the class on my phone?

Yes, the class can be taken on a phone, but we recommend a computer or tablet to get the most out of the experience.

Do you offer financial aid or scholarships for this class?

Yes, we have a limited number of scholarships for the class. Scholarships cover 50% of tuition. Recipients will be selected at random. You can apply for one here. The deadline to request a scholarship is Sunday, September 1. We will notify all entrants by Wednesday, September 4. If you apply for a scholarship and no longer need it or decide not to take the class, please let us know so that we can remove your name and offer the discount to another student.

Discounts & Policies

Our online classes are designed to be safe spaces for all who participate. One Story will not tolerate hate speech, bullying, or harassment directed toward instructors or fellow students, and reserves the right to remove participants who engage in such behavior from our classes.

Patron Discount: In order to qualify for our patron discount, you must be a member of our patron circle at the time of registration. Patrons commit to annual donations and receive benefits that allow them to participate in our non-profit organization in more meaningful ways. Not all One Story subscribers or supporters are patrons. If you’d like to find out more about becoming a patron, you can do so here.

Refund Policy: Students can receive full refunds prior to one week before the class start date, and 50% refunds from in the week leading up to the class. Class payment is non-refundable on or after the class’s start date. For questions about the refund policy, or if you are unable to take the class after you have registered, please contact

If you have any questions, please contact