ByA woman in the deepest depths of the pandemic lockdown orders a trampoline for her family and experiences, in its presence, an uncoupling from her life and a longing for a self she’s all but forgotten.
ONE STORY publishes one great short story at a time. We bring people together through reading, writing, and learning about short fiction.
A woman in the deepest depths of the pandemic lockdown orders a trampoline for her family and experiences, in its presence, an uncoupling from her life and a longing for a self she’s all but forgotten.
In Jeneé Skinner’s “Shadow Memories,” a daughter recounts her harrowing journey away from an impossible parent, and the challenges of trying to make her way back.
Hone your craft in 2025 with eight lectures from One Story authors on the craft of fiction.
Chelsey Johnson leads our first lecture: The Inner Life of the Sentence. This lecture for the obsessive or simply curious will delve into the rhythm and music of a sentence, the secret powers of punctuation, and the infinite possibilities of sentence structure.
Online (Zoom)
Saturday February 15
4-5:15pm ET
One Story arrives in your mailbox in an envelope like a letter from a friend. Each chapbook-sized story introduces you to a new author. No ads, no images, just a great read.
One great short story
in the mail every month
$10 for six months
The Literary Debutante Ball is a benefit that celebrates One Story and salutes the publication of our literary debutantes’ first books. Tickets will go on sale in February 2025.
Join us in Brooklyn for the literary party of the year!
Over the course of five days, writers will participate in workshops, attend craft lectures and panel discussions, give readings, and build community with one another.
Apply by February 10
Conference: July 28 – Aug 1
Poets House, Manhattan
Designed for writers who are new to workshopping their writing, each participant will share and receive feedback on a short story or novel excerpt from the instructor and their fellow students.
Online (Zoom)
Thursdays, 7-9:15pm ET
April 3-May 15
In this four-week craft course, students will discuss short stories that toy with time and experiment with temporal manipulation in their own fictional narratives.
Online (Zoom)
Wednesdays, 7-9pm ET
March 5-26
Join Dan Chaon to read and discuss Thomas Tryon’s The Other, a forgotten bestseller that ushered in the horror craze of the 1970s.
In this reading group, students will be assigned up to 50 pages a week and will come together to discuss this classic of the genre.
Online (Zoom)
Tuesdays, 7-9 pm ET
March 4 – 25
This class designed by Patrick Ryan, editor in chief of One Story, will help you prepare your own book-length manuscript of short stories with an eye toward sending it out into the world.
Take this class on your own time, at your own pace.
What do you do when a dear friend is suffering, and you can’t help them? Elane Kim plumbs the depths of that question in “Photoelectric,” one of the winning stories of our Teen Writing Contest.
Learn tips and tricks for revision at your own pace in this self-guided class. Get five in-depth revision techniques to understand, deepen, and polish your work.
Designed for fiction writers ready to get their work out into the world, this asynchronous class will answer the questions you have about how to present your work and yourself to the editors, agents, and selection committees on the other side of the submit button.
Self Guided
$35 / $25
One Story has published over 320 authors in over 20 years. Take a moment and scroll through our archives. You might be surprised by who you find there.
We are busy reading submissions. We will reopen in Spring of 2025.
One Story provides a free, open-source submission management system to other publishers at no cost.
In 23 years we’ve distributed over 2,000,000 short stories, taught writing to more than 6,500 students, and published nearly 400 writers in One Story and One Teen Story.