Become Your Own Best Editor with Will Allison
June 21st-27th
Contributing Editor Will Allison’s popular course offers a rare, behind-the-scenes look at One Story’s editorial process. Daily online lessons will guide you through case studies of two stories, “The Everest Society,” by Shannon Sanders, and “The Remains,” by Laura Spence-Ash. You’ll follow the stories from submission to publication—studying actual marked-up drafts and extensive author-editor correspondence.
The seven-day course includes daily online lessons, assignments, and a discussion board where you can share ideas and manuscripts with other writers who are committed to becoming better editors of their own work. Learn to bring the same sharp editorial eye to your own writing that One Story editors bring to each issue.
The last day of class will feature a live discussion on Zoom with Will Allison, Laura Spence-Ash, and Shannon Sanders on Tuesday, June 27th from 7-8pm ET. A recording will be made available for those who are unable to attend.
About Will Allison:
Before joining One Story as a contributing editor in 2011, Will served as executive editor of Story and editor-at-large of Zoetrope: All-Story. He has taught creative writing at Columbia University, The Ohio State University, and elsewhere. He is the author of two novels, What You Have Left, named a notable book by the San Francisco Chronicle, and the New York Times bestseller Long Drive Home, which is currently being adapted for the stage. His stories have appeared in Glimmer Train, American Short Fiction, One Story, Zoetrope: All-Story, Shenandoah, Kenyon Review, Cincinnati Review, and elsewhere. As a freelance editor specializing in fiction and creative nonfiction, he works one-on-one with both new and established authors. For more information please visit
About Shannon Sanders:
Shannon Sanders is the author of the linked short story collection Company, which won the 2024 Los Angeles Times Book Prize’s Art Seidenbaum Award for First Fiction, was named a Publishers Weekly and Debutiful Best Book of 2023, and was shortlisted for the 2024 William Saroyan International Prize for Writing. Her short fiction has appeared in One Story, Sewanee Review, Virginia Quarterly Review, Electric Literature, and elsewhere, and received a PEN/Robert J. Dau Short Story Prize for Emerging Writers. She lives in Silver Spring with her husband and three sons.
About Laura Spence-Ash:
Laura Spence-Ash’s debut novel, Beyond That, the Sea, was published by Celadon Books in March 2023. The novel received a starred review from Publishers Weekly, was named a GMA Buzz Pick, and was an Indie Next pick for April 2023. Her short fiction has appeared in One Story, New England Review, Crazyhorse, and elsewhere. Her critical essays and book reviews appear regularly in the Ploughshares blog. She was the founding editor of CRAFT, and she received her MFA in fiction from Rutgers–Newark. Photo: Beowulf Sheehan
When can I register for this class?
Registration is open now through June 20th, 2023.
How does the class work?
Lessons will be posted nightly at 11:59 p.m. UTC. Each lesson will comprise author-editor correspondence, editing tips with examples from the stories, and assignments. The class also includes a discussion board where participants can interact with one another and with Will.
I write creative nonfiction. Is this class right for me?
While some of the techniques can be applied to creative nonfiction pieces, this class, as with all One Story classes, is designed with fiction writers in mind.
Is participation on the discussion boards required?
No, it’s optional; participants are welcome to jump into the conversation or sit back and observe.
Is there homework?
The class includes reading assignments (i.e., drafts of the stories) and optional discussion questions. There is no work to be handed in.
How much time will the class take?
Plan to spend about an hour per day reviewing the lessons and reading assignments, plus however much time you choose to spend on the discussion board.
How many students are in the class?
One Story online classes are large, and tend to range from 100-250 students.
What if I want to take the class, but the dates don’t work for me?
The class is designed for participants to proceed at their own pace, on their own schedule, so if you miss a day or three, no problem. All class materials will be accessible online until 11:59 p.m. UTC July 25th, 2023. Please note, however, that Will will be available on the discussion board only from June 21st-27th.
Can I take the class on my phone?
Yes, the class can be taken on a phone, but we recommend a computer or tablet to get the most out of the experience.
Can I save the material for later use?
You will be able to download drafts of the stories and daily recaps of the lessons and assignments, but otherwise class content lives on the learning platform. To prevent distribution of the material without our knowledge, students are not permitted to copy/paste the lessons but are of course welcome to take notes.
What if I can’t wait to get started?
The welcome day discussion board will open on Tuesday, June 20th, one day before the class begins, so that participants can meet, mingle, and familiarize themselves with the learning platform.
Do you offer financial aid or scholarships for this class?
Yes. We offer a limited number of need-based scholarships that cover 50% of tuition. The window to request a scholarship is open now until June 14th. If you are interested in applying for a scholarship, please fill out this form.
Discounts & Policies
Our online classes are designed to be safe spaces for all who participate. One Story will not tolerate hate speech, bullying, or harassment directed toward instructors or fellow students, and reserves the right to remove participants who engage in such behavior from our classes.
Patron Discount: In order to qualify for our patron discount, you must be a member of our patron circle at the time of registration. Patrons commit to annual donations and receive benefits that allow them to participate in our non-profit organization in more meaningful ways. Not all One Story subscribers or supporters are patrons. If you’d like to find out more about becoming a patron, you can do so here.
Refund Policy: One Story class payment is non-refundable after the class’s start date. For questions about the refund policy, or if you are unable to take the class after you have registered, please contact
If you have any questions, please contact